Thursday, June 11, 2015

New Original Artwork For Sale

Just listed four of my latest original drawings for sale in the shop, all 9"x12" original drawings are $50 each, excluding shipping!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

What moves me

What is it that moves me so deeply, so quickly
that thoughts turn into spoken words, that spill out so freely, effortlessly
without the skip of a heartbeat, or a hesitation?
To be so fearless and yet fearful, somehow
of what tomorrow may bring
because of this moment…these moments…
and your memory…

I am selfish sometimes, but I don’t intend to be.

- Written spring 2011

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Witchy Energy

Photographer:  Panos Lambis - “Sirens

"No one embraces the witch or her beautiful sense of wit. I have always fed my witch energy..."

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015


Why are some people such awful friends to one another?! Now, I’m not saying this because of personal experiences with my own friends, because thankfully, I’ve been extremely blessed to have a number of wonderful people in my life whom I can truly call my friends. This wasn’t always so, therefor there isn’t a day that goes by where I am not endlessly grateful for the gift that is their friendship. 
However, with that said, someone close to me is going through a very rough time right now and not a single one of their so called friends seems to give a crap. This really annoys me to no end. Understandably we all have busy lives in one way or another and most of us have a lot on our shoulders, because that’s just how life is. We all feel like we don’t have time, but many of us simply need to learn how to make time. When you become friends with someone (and I mean actual friends, not the acquaintance that you talked to a few times in class or at work and friended them on Facebook), there is a certain responsibility there not to completely drop the ball on what it means to be a friend, if you truly care about them and value their friendship. This means checking in on them from time to time, actually showing up and calling when you say you will, not completely disappearing for half a year like you have fallen off the face of the earth and then popping up again for five seconds to act like you care, only to disappear again only due to lack of trying. There are so many ways to connect to one another in this day and time, to show even in the simplest of ways that we are thinking of each other, even if we are thousands of miles apart; yet somehow there are still people who feel like they no longer have the love and support that is friendship. Because no matter how much they reach out, no one reaches back or takes the time to follow through. 
It’s a new year, people, let us all try harder to be there for each other a little more, let us try not to get so caught up in the craziness of life that we don’t make time, even just a little bit, for the people in our lives who make us happy.