"I don't like making New Years resolutions, but it's almost out of habit that when the new year rolls around we start to focus on changes. A new year, a new chapter, a new start.
I was listening to someone today talk about how life is a rhythm, narrowed down to three main beats, three elements; expectations, silence, and surprise. Expectations being the habits, the day to day life of working, making dinner, doing the laundry etc. Silence being the quiet moments of stillness, reflection, meditation. Then surprise being the adventures of doing new things, meeting new people, discovering new places, and stepping out of your comfort zone. The key, of course, is finding the right balance of these things, the right rhythm of your life's song.
In addition to this, I feel like it's also key to make sure you're spending as many of these moments doing what you truly want to do, thus fulfilling and enriching your life in as many ways as possible. Otherwise the rhythm may be fine, but is it truly your song?
This year I definitely want to balance out my rhythm, more silence and more surprises."
I forget exactly when I wrote the content above, aside from the obvious that it was written sometime around the start of the year. Since then, my main focus has truly been about finding the balance that I speak of and seek. Doing so has led to less painting, but more rediscovering of old passions (and a few new ones), all of which I hope to start sharing here on this blog, along side my usual paintings, drawings, and photography.
I usually don't talk much, outside of one on one conversations, about my personal life, feelings, views, loves, and concerns. However lately the urge to write and journal, has returned with quite a vengeance. So I'm going to start taking advantage of this blog, without over thinking it or worrying about over sharing, and simply share whatever I feel the need and desire to openly share, verbally, visually, whatever feels right. So here we go...