Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Long Way Around

Throw back to a long time ago,  sometimes we circle the long way around just to meet ourselves again whole.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Friday, November 7, 2014

Prints now available through Society6

I now have several prints (along with cell phone cases and other items) available for purchase through Society6. Also for a limited time, until November 9th 2014, you can receive $5 off each item and free shipping by following THIS link or clicking on the image above.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

That Wondrous Thing

There is something about the chill of Autumn, the cold of winter, that stands as a reminder of ones mortality. Today I was in one of those hazy reflective moods, where you just sit within your head and really think about things. And I realized perhaps one of the main reasons the winter and fall months are dear to me, is that profound, life altering, things aways happen to me during this time.

After the rush and craziness of summer, autumn brings some kind of reminder to me, of who I am, where I've been, and where I'm going. What really matters in life and what doesn't matter so much. I have seen my darkest days during this time, in years past, as well as my most most beautiful and awakening days. Experiences that have profoundly made me who I am today. And when I feel that chill in the air, candles lit, with the smoke of sage and myrrh feeling the air around me. I am wrapped up in some strange comfort, that is both haunting and wonderful, fearful yet extremely hopeful. But most of all I feel truth, a profound truth that pulls me away from all the superficial nonsense that goes on day to day, and grounds me in whats real. The reality that I can go outside and run, run, run, breathing so deeply that the air burns my lungs, take every second of it in and feel nothing but joy and life from it.

There are so many little things in life that matter so much, that are overlooked, unappreciated, and under valued. Simply because other things get in the way, or because we don't take the time to or have the patience pay attention to the things that really matter, to take in every seemingly insignificant detail. I think there is so much truth to living in the moment and taking each day as it comes and not rushing though life in a frantic frenzy of what is to be had, or gained, or what you may loose. Without dwelling on the past or excessively worrying about the future. There is nothing more beautiful than losing yourself in those quiet moments that make you realize, "you know this thing, life, really is worth while, and it really is a wondrous thing".

Monday, September 29, 2014

Straight to and far away

"In the land of the unknown, all roads lead straight to, and far away from home."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Journey and The Kingdom

Arthur Rackham

"Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen. For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom as great...you have no power over me."

I must admit, I'm not a big fan of the film "Labyrinth"; I didn't like it much as a child and even upon viewing it again in my late teens, I didn't really understand the hype surrounding it, other than the fact that David Bowie (whom I adore) plays a major role in the film. However, a few days ago, while strolling through Instagram, someone posted the quote above, and it struck me. You know how sometimes, you see, hear, smell, or read something and then all of a sudden something very important, whether it be a situation or a part of your life, suddenly comes into focus. That sharp sudden moment of realization and complete understanding. 
I read this quote, for what must have been, about 4 or 5 times, over and again in my head while the past 6 years of my life formed a circle. Sometimes in life you find yourself going around in a giant circle. Sometimes that means you're walking through life the same way as you always have, never really growing or expanding, just a giant circle of repetition. While sometimes it means that you find yourself walking along through life to arrive back at your starting point, but with a deeper understanding, lessons learned, a new sense of purpose or a renewed sense of purpose.

Children have this wonderful inclination as to who they are and accept themselves wholly, without question, until the world around them starts to teach them otherwise. Everyday I am endlessly thankful for having a family that has always given me the independence (and stubbornness) to be who I am, do as please, and to trust in myself and my own intuition. Rather than try to mold me at a young age to be who they wanted me to be. 
Yet even with this wonderful luck and the gift having a strong sense of self, life and all of its wonderfully bizarre twists and turns, has a way of turning a person all around and upside down. To the point where sometimes that sense of self seems far away, and you have to fight your way through the "Goblin City", society, to the castle just to reclaim your heart of hearts, "the child", your soul in it's purest form. 
Years ago, I scratched the surface of a new level understanding, about myself and the world around me, eventually leading me down a path that did not lead where I intended for it to. While that path, much like the Goblin City, came to be both turbulent and wondrous, It has led me to the castle to reclaim what was with me from the start. Coming full circle with a greater understanding of the kingdom that is my soul.

Hurray for those moments when we feel the universe within us awaken and we see ourselves and the world around with new eyes, for those moments are magical, fleeting, and filled with potential to lead a more fulfilling way of of life.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

"I've sailed away- right out of my cave. Caught a swell, caught a wave to another inspiring place"

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Beauty and Life

"Beauty is life when life unveils her holy face. But you are life and you are the veil. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror."

-Khalil Gibran

Thursday, June 26, 2014


"I don't like making New Years resolutions, but it's almost out of habit that when the new year rolls around we start to focus on changes. A new year, a new chapter, a new start. 
I was listening to someone today talk about how life is a rhythm, narrowed down to three main beats, three elements; expectations, silence, and surprise. Expectations being the habits, the day to day life of working, making dinner, doing the laundry etc. Silence being the quiet moments of stillness, reflection, meditation. Then surprise being the adventures of doing new things, meeting new people, discovering new places, and stepping out of your comfort zone. The key, of course, is finding the right balance of these things, the right rhythm of your life's song. 

In addition to this, I feel like it's also key to make sure you're spending as many of these moments doing what you truly want to do, thus fulfilling and enriching your life in as many ways as possible. Otherwise the rhythm may be fine, but is it truly your song?
This year I definitely want to balance out my rhythm, more silence and more surprises."

I forget exactly when I wrote the content above, aside from the obvious that it was written sometime around the start of the year. Since then, my main focus has truly been about finding the balance that I speak of and seek. Doing so has led to less painting, but more rediscovering of old passions (and a few new ones), all of which I hope to start sharing here on this blog, along side my usual paintings, drawings, and photography.
I usually don't talk much, outside of one on one conversations, about my personal life, feelings, views, loves, and concerns. However lately the urge to write and journal, has returned with quite a vengeance. So I'm going to start taking advantage of this blog, without over thinking it or worrying about over sharing, and simply share whatever I feel the need and desire to openly share, verbally, visually, whatever feels right. So here we go...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Sometimes when you're lucky enough to know some of the most genuine, honest, and selfless people you'll ever find, you forget, for just a moment, that the rest of the world isn't that way.